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My Department Training Activity

Datei:My Department logo.png
Training Activity Name: This should be the unique official reference name for the training. Please check if this training already exists with a slightly different name. <br><br>The name becomes a subpage name typically under "My Department/Training/Evaluation/".<br><br>Example: "Scrum Overview" (mandatory)
Training Type: Select the type of the training.<br /><br />New allowed values to be added here. (mandatory)
Training Category: Select the category of the training.<br /><br />New allowed values to be added here. (mandatory)
Training Technology: Select the technology area of the training. Keep empty or set N/A if this is not applicable.<br /><br />New allowed values to be added here.
Training Location: Select the location of the training.<br /><br />New allowed values to be added here. (mandatory)
Training Reference URL: Provide a link to the training activity.
Training Objectives: If possible, describe in brief the training objectives. A more detailed description with extended formatting should be stored in the "Free text" area.
Comment: Add any other comment about the training here, but do not evaluate which is done below.

Add your evaluation by clicking on Add a new evaluation below. Please edit an existing evaluation just in case you have originally created it. To save changes, just click Save page at the button of the page.

Training Evaluation

Add a new evaluation

Free text:


  • The "Free text" area can be used to add any info that does not fit into the fields above. Just add content like on a regular wiki page.
  • In case of any technical questions or comments about the forms and templates used on this page, please contact rkr.
