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MediaWiki Hilfe



Siehe Vorlagen oder

Benutzung und Konfiguration von MediaWiki


  • Namensräume müssen in LocalSetting.php definiert werden. Ansonsten gilt "Namensraum:seite" nicht als Namensraum. Man erkennt die Gültigkeit auch daran, dass bei echten Namensräumen der erste Buchstabe hinter dem ":" beim Speichern automatisch groß geschreiben erscheint. Auch werden die Suchseiten automatisch um den neuen Namensraum erweitert.

Sidebar anpassen

Hinweis: Die übergeordneten Menü-Titel dürfen keine Leerzeichen enthalten (da als id-Tag sonst nicht W3C-konform). Ggf. mit "_" trennen und dann in entsprechender Wiki-Seite "MediaWiki:Andere_Themen" Leerzeichen einfügen.

Siehe auch:


Tagline / Pagetitle

  • MediaWiki:Tagline (siteSub)
  • MediaWiki:Pagetitle

Session Timeout

Folgenden Parameter in /etc/php.ini setzen

session.gc_maxlifetime = 3600

PHP-Funktionalität im Wiki aktivieren

Folgende Funktion in includes/Setup.php hinzufügen:

function ParsePHPTag($Content)
 global $wgOut;
 $Result = ob_get_contents();

Um PHP in den Wiki-Seiten zu nutzen, statt <?PHP ... ?> nun <PHP> ... </PHP> verwenden.


$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "userid", "userpassword");

$result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) zeilen FROM table",$db);
printf("Zeilen: %s\n", mysql_result($result,0,"zeilen"));


Links zum eigenen Server können mittels der SERVER Variablen angelegt werden, z.B. KRÜDEWAGEN BLOG. Wiki-Syntax: [{{SERVER}}/blog/ KRÜDEWAGEN BLOG]

Dabei wird SERVER durch die komplette URL ersetzt, mit der das Wiki aufgerufen wurde (auch mit https möglich).

  • Hinweis 1

Die SERVER Variable wird im Cache des Wikis (auf dem Server, pro Seite) gehalten, ändert sich also nicht zwangsläufig sofort bei Verwendung einer anderen URL. Cache kann mit &action=purge geleert werden.

  • Hinweis 2

Wenn ein Links in der Sidebar gesetzt wurde, wird die SERVER Variable nicht im Cache gehalten.


$wgParserCacheType = CACHE_ANYTHING;
$wgParserCacheExpireTime = 3600;

$wgEnableParserCache = true;
$wgEnableSidebarCache = false;


Siehe http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Variables/de.


See http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Sub_pages and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Subpages.

HowTo / FAQ

Wiki Redirects

#redirect [[Page]]

Clear cache for a page

Sometimes the MediaWiki caching system needs to be reset manually for a certain page.

  • Go to the page
  • Hit "history"
  • Change the URL from "action=history" to "action=purge"
  • Press "Enter"

Revert / Undo changes of a page

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Revert.


Subpage is a subpage of the current page. You can link to that subpage from any other page by Help:Contents/Sub1.

To activate subpages in the main namespace, add the following to LocalSettings.conf

$wgNamespacesWithSubpages[NS_MAIN] = true;

Change Sidebar

See also:

Add user

Special:Userlogin (as Sysop)

Reset user password

This can only be done by the following SQL statements

Find out the user_id
select user_id, user_name from user where user_name='myname';
Set a new password
update user set user_password = md5(CONCAT('123-',md5('newpassword'))) WHERE user_id=123;

Increase Session Timeout

Set the following parameter in /etc/php.ini for increasing the session timeout (that's the maximum time you need to save the page you are editing without losing your work):

session.gc_maxlifetime = 3600

HTML code listings

HTML code like <h1> should be enclosed with <nowiki></nowiki> tags,even if they are already enclosed with "pre" tags. Otherwise mediawiki will corrupt the page if you edit a single section (bug?).

Sample wiki syntax:


Embed Template or Page

  • Template: {{template_name}}
  • Page: {{:page_name}}

How do I rename my Wiki

See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual_talk:FAQ#How_do_I_rename_my_wiki.3F .

Configure Wiki-specific Favicon

The favicon file should have 16x16 pixels. Add to LocalSettings.php:

$wgFavicon = "$wgScriptPath/rawino_logo.ico";

Sortable Table

Row 1 Row 2 Row 3
a b 3
x y 2
c f 1

Source Code Listings

Source code can be listed within <source lang="php"></source> tags. This feature is provided by the SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi extension.


// Extension SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi

You can also combine this with the the Pre2 template (see below).

Pre-Formatting Text

Two templates Template:Pre and Template:Pre2 can be used for pre-formatting text with long lines. Even Template:Pre2 adds line breaks in the wiki output, it can also add a scroll bar.

Pre2: {{Pre2|text}}

mkdir -p /var/tmp/mucontrol_image/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/cdrom/
wget http://ftp.debian.org/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/cdrom/debian-cd_info.tar.gz -O /var/tmp/mucontrol_image/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/cdrom/debian-cd_info.tar.gz
wget http://ftp.debian.org/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/cdrom/initrd.gz -O /var/tmp/mucontrol_image/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/cdrom/initrd.gz
wget http://ftp.debian.org/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/cdrom/vmlinuz -O /var/tmp/mucontrol_image/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/cdrom/vmlinuz

Pre2 with scrolling: {{Pre2|scroll|text}}

mkdir -p /var/tmp/mucontrol_image/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/cdrom/
wget http://ftp.debian.org/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/cdrom/debian-cd_info.tar.gz -O /var/tmp/mucontrol_image/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/cdrom/debian-cd_info.tar.gz
wget http://ftp.debian.org/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/cdrom/initrd.gz -O /var/tmp/mucontrol_image/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/cdrom/initrd.gz
wget http://ftp.debian.org/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/cdrom/vmlinuz -O /var/tmp/mucontrol_image/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/cdrom/vmlinuz

Page breaks in PDF output

You can force a page break in the PDF output using the RawMsg extension by adding one of the following to your wiki page:

  • Using the extension directly:

See also HTMLDOC comments.


Extension "EasyTimeline".

Beispiel 1:

<timeline> TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal ImageSize = width:680 height:200 PlotArea = width:620 height:150 bottom:50 left:20 DateFormat = dd/mm/yyyy

  1. AlignBars = early

Period = from:01/12/2004 till:01/02/2009

  1. Colors see http://ploticus.sourceforge.net/doc/color.html

Colors =

 id:canvas value:rgb(0.97,0.97,0.97)
 id:grid   value:rgb(0.86,0.86,0.86)
 id:bars   value:gray(0.85)
 id:magenta1  value:magenta #
 id:orange1   value:orange #
 id:green2   value:brightgreen #
 id:purple1   value:purple #
 id:blue2   value:darkblue #
 id:blue3   value:powderblue #
 id:orange2   value:lightorange #
 id:yellow1   value:yellow #
 id:green3   value:teal #

ScaleMajor = unit:month increment:1 start:01/01/2005 gridcolor:grid BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas




  1. set defaults
 width:25 fontsize:M textcolor:black align:left anchor:from shift:(10,-5) color:bars
 from:01/12/2004 till:31/03/2005 color:blue3 text:"P h a s e 1"
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 from:01/10/2005 till:30/04/2006 color:yellow1 text:"P h a s e 3"
 from:01/05/2006 till:10/11/2006 color:green3 text:"P h a s e 4"
 from:12/11/2006 till:31/07/2007 color:red text:"P h a s e 5"
 from:01/08/2007 till:28/04/2008 color:orange1 text:"P h a s e 6"
 from:29/04/2008 till:30/11/2008 color:green2 text:"P h a s e 7"
 bar:Monat width:5 align:center fontsize:S shift:(0,-45) anchor:middle color:canvas
 from:01/01/2005 till:01/02/2005 text:Jan
 from:01/03/2005 till:01/04/2005 text:Mar
 from:01/05/2005 till:31/05/2005 text:May
 from:01/07/2005 till:31/07/2005 text:Jul
 from:01/09/2005 till:01/10/2005 text:Sep
 from:01/11/2005 till:01/12/2005 text:Nov
 from:01/01/2006 till:01/02/2006 text:Jan
 from:01/03/2006 till:01/04/2006 text:Mar
 from:01/05/2006 till:31/05/2006 text:May
 from:01/07/2006 till:31/07/2006 text:Jul
 from:01/09/2006 till:01/10/2006 text:Sep
 from:01/11/2006 till:01/12/2006 text:Nov
 from:01/01/2007 till:01/02/2007 text:Jan
 from:01/03/2007 till:01/04/2007 text:Mar
 from:01/05/2007 till:31/05/2007 text:May
 from:01/07/2007 till:31/07/2007 text:Jul
 from:01/09/2007 till:01/10/2007 text:Sep
 from:01/11/2007 till:01/12/2007 text:Nov
 from:01/01/2008 till:01/02/2008 text:Jan
 from:01/03/2008 till:01/04/2008 text:Mar
 from:01/05/2008 till:31/05/2008 text:May
 from:01/07/2008 till:31/07/2008 text:Jul
 from:01/09/2008 till:01/10/2008 text:Sep
 from:01/11/2008 till:30/11/2008 text:Nov
 from:01/01/2009 till:01/02/2009 text:Jan


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